Hermes Storefront, 2023
Commission by Hermes, Palmer Square, Princeton NJ

Hermes Storefront, 2023

Hermes Storefront, 2023

Hermes Storefront, 2023

Hermes Storefront, 2023

Hermes Storefront, 2023

Hermes Storefront, 2023

Dahlia Elsayed’s vibrant work for Art at Amtrak, “Parallel Incantations,” surrounds the Penn Station waiting area with an illusion of infinite space. It pulls inspiration from ancient Egyptian temples and Islamic architecture, transforming the space with suggestions of expansiveness, air, and ambient light. As it evokes pilgrimage and ritual, this site-specific installation provides a poetic connection to a sense of deep time and travel.

Parallel Incantations, Penn Station New York, 2022 for Art at Amtrak

Parallel Incantations, Penn Station New York, 2022 for Art at Amtrak

Parallel Incantations, Penn Station New York, 2022 for Art at Amtrak

Parallel Incantations, Penn Station New York, 2022 for Art at Amtrak

Installation at Penn Station NYC for Art at Amtrak

Installation at Penn Station NYC for Art at Amtrak

Penn Station NYC for Art at Amtrak

Installation at Penn Station NYC for Art at Amtrak

Some Long Perspective Longing (14C), 2022 Commissioned by United Airlines for United Club Newark Airport.

Some Long Perspective Longing (14C), 2022 Commissioned by United Airlines for United Club Newark Airport.

Some Long Perspective Longing (14C), 2022 Commissioned by United Airlines for United Club Newark Airport.

Some Long Perspective Longing (14C), 2022 Commissioned by United Airlines for United Club Newark Airport.

Some Long Perspective Longing (14C), 2022 Commissioned by United Airlines for United Club Newark Airport.

Chart Towards the Charms, 16 banners, each 2' x 4', for Re:Growth curated by Karin Bravin for Riverside Park. Located at Pier 1 at the Hudson River Walkway.

Chart Towards the Charms, detail view

The banners play on the idea of flying carpets and are arranged as a visual poem to walk to as you move towards the end of the pier. The text in the poem was sourced from air & space travel communication guides.

Afternoon Navigation, 2018
site specific wall painting for Memorial Sloan Kettering, Montvale, NJ.

Afternoon Navigation, 2018
(alternate view)

Turn Of Phrase, 2014
Based on American idioms, a site-specific installation and works on paper at Robert Miller Gallery.

Turn of Phrase, detail view

Turn of Phrase, detail view

Navigations in the Present Tense, 2013
Navigations in the Present Tense, installed at William Paterson University. The project is based on a poem, which accompanies the exhibition as a small book. This project revisits William Carlos Williams' poem Paterson, which I have loved for many years and used as reference before. For this project, I was interetsed in WCW's process in writing the poem. I read alot of what he wrote/said about his writing of the poem, and mimicked his actions - strolling, listening, observing, and conversing in this post-industrial city. I also quote his commentary about his process in my own poem, echoing the mosaic structure of Paterson, in which he uses letters, historical documents alongside his own prose.

Navigations in the Present Tense (detail)

Navigations in the Present Tense (detail)

Navigations in the Present Tense (detail)

We Would Begin Our Own, 2014
Large outdoor installation at the Newark Museum. The text forms a poem by remixing John Cotton Dana's essay "The Gloom of the Museum."

We Would Begin Our Own (detail)
We Would Begin Our Own (detail) PVC pipes, Nylon, paint, glitter

We Would Begin Our Own (detail)

...And the Whole Party Swam to Shore, 2014
site-specific mural for the Gateway Project.

Under/Over, 2014
3 site specific wall paintings for the Paul Robeson Student Center at Rutgers University Newark.

Under/Over (alternate view)

Till the Consummation of All Things, 2008
tissue paper flags installed at Independence Pass, 11,000 ft, Rocky Mountains, CO.

Till the Consummation of All Things (detail)

Till the Consummation of All Things (detail)

Till the Consummation of All Things (detail)

Sculpture for Day Laborers, 2007
a site-specific work that refers to the reality of labor in a setting of idealized leisure. Long Branch, NJ is a beach town, in which there is a distinct dividing line between the beach front condos & retail development and what lies inland just a few blocks away. This lot is across the street from where local day laborers wait for work.

Sculpture For Day Laborers, 2007
The text is based on interviews on the topic of leisure, with a group of men who wait for work in the lot across the street.

Sculpture For Day Laborers (detail)

Sculpture For Day Laborers (detail)

Sculpture For Day Laborers (detail)

Blink If You Like Me, 2012
Site-specific installtion at Lehman College, part of Space Invaders curated by Karin Bravin

14 Flags, 8' tall each. The project references two specific aspects of the site: Lightning Bugs (the college mascot) and the use of the campus to train 95,000 women volunteers in the WAVES and SPARS programs during WWII. I was interested in the call and response both these things shared.

Blink If You Like Me (detail)

Blink If You Like Me (detail)

Blink If You Like Me (detail)

Conceptual Art Camp, 2009
day camp, art history and a vacant building in Asbury Park, NJ.

Conceptual Art Camp, 2009
Conceptual Art Camp was a performance and installation that took place in a vacant building on the Asbury Park boardwalk and offered all the experiences of normal camp – nature, campfires, singalongs, crafts – influenced by “famous” conceptual artists. For three days Conceptual Art Camp Counselors welcomed over 100 campers and led activities that included John Cage campfire songs, Yoko Ono inspired nature walks, On Kawara macaroni art, and Robert Smithson mirror displacement games, and a photobooth where participants selected their own natural background.

fun with mirror displacement

On Kawara macaroni art


All The People On The Trail Like To Say Hello, 2010
Installation in Gallery Aferro, Newark, NJ