Installation at Penn Station NYC for Art at Amtrak

Chart Towards the Charms, 16 banners, each 2' x 4', for Re:Growth curated by Karin Bravin for Riverside Park. Located at Pier 1 at the Hudson River Walkway.

From Which Yesterday Is Tomorrow?, 2020 Installation View at Transformer Gallery, Washington DC
A rest stop for the future based on the past, Which Yesterday Is Tomorrow?, by artists Dahlia Elsayed and Andrew Demirjian, presents an alternate world intended to reconnect people with the senses, rituals, and mythologies that have been diminished in an age dominated by relentless commerce and time scarcity.

Below The Tip of The Metaphorical Iceberg, 2018
painted paper collage, 14" x 15"

Flag For Goosebumps, 2017
acrylic on paper 20" x 26"

The Children Dream of Soil and The Parents Bite Their Tongues, 2018
ceramic and painted paper diorama

Wave of Waves, 2015
acrylic on paper, 22" x 22"